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Institutional membership

Institutional membership is held by eligible institutions of higher education. Institutions must meet criteria set out in the Standing Orders. Institutional members must agree to accept the Association’s Constitution, abide by its code of practice, pay the annual subscription and agree to the HELOA Privacy Notice. Subscription rates vary according to the number of students enrolled at the institution – for more information on this please see the Membership Fees section below and the FAQs page.

Membership Fees

Membership fees are based on the size of the institution. These figures are taken from the latest available HESA figures. 5 individual membership places are included in the annual institution fee. Additional members are charged at £43 each. Membership fees are a flat rate and therefore, not pro rata based on joining time during the membership year, which runs from 1st September – 31st August. Please note: VAT is not charged so these figures are total costs.

Number of students Annual Cost
FE Colleges £319.00
0 – 1000 £319.00
1001 – 5000 £356.00
5001 – 10000 £438.00
10001 – 15000 £475.00
15000+ £506.00
Additional Memberships £43.00 per person

Please note there is no fee for Honorary Membership. This is obtained through a nomination process at the Annual General Meeting.


Primary Contact 

Each institution shall nominate one primary contact, who will be the representative of all HELOA members within the institution. This is the main administrative contact for HELOA at the institution. The role of primary contact can be transferred to another institutional member by completing the Primary Contact form. New institutions nominating a primary contact for the first time can include their details on the HELOA Institutional Membership Form

For further details on the role of the primary contact, please see the appropriate role descriptor.

Primary Contact Role Descriptor for Full Members

Primary Contact Role Descriptor for Associate Members

Institutional Membership Types 

There are different types of HELOA membership, depending on the institution type. Please see below for further information.

Institutional Membership Types

Full Institutional Membership

Available for publicly funded institutions.
Please see below for the full list of benefits and to access the membership form for full membership.

Associate Institutional Membership

Available for non-publicly funded, or part-publicly funded institutions.
Please see below for the full list of benefits and to access the membership form for associate membership.


Full Institutional membership benefits include:

  • Receive bi-weekly Bulletin email straight to your inbox
  • Access to member-only social network platforms eg Facebook
  • Access the HELOA Blog, Instagram, YouTube, Linked In and X
  • Receive email updates from the HELOA UK Executive and Office
  • Opportunities, locally and nationally, to network and share best practice
  • Attend Group meetings and contribute to the Association
  • Attend Group training events at no additional cost
  • Institutional logo and link on the group pages of the HELOA website
  • Entry in HELOA National Awards to gain recognition for work and best practice
  • Discounted member rate at National Conference, Professional Development Conferences and New Practitioners’ Conferences
  • Opportunity to attend member-only Webinars
  • Access to partner and sponsored sessions
  • Opportunity to be a HELOA institutional representative (Primary Contact)
  • Attend the HELOA Annual General Meeting
  • Voting rights at the Annual General Meeting (one vote per institution submitted by the Primary Contact)
  • Voting rights in Group and National Elections (one vote per institution submitted by the Primary Contact)
  • Opportunity to stand for election as a UK trustee or appointed officer
  • Opportunity to stand for elected group positions
  • Opportunity to be part of UCAS Events Working Group and the UCAS Product Development Group
  • Have the opportunity to play a role in the development of partnerships at group and national level

Apply for Institutional Membership 

To apply for institutional membership, please complete the HELOA Institutional Membership Form.


Associate Institutional Membership benefits include:

  • Receive bi-weekly Bulletin email straight to your inbox
  • Access to member-only social network platforms eg Facebook
  • Access the HELOA Blog, Instagram, YouTube, Linked In and X
  • Receive email updates from the HELOA UK Executive and Office
  • Opportunities, locally and nationally, to network and share best practice
  • Attend Group meetings and contribute to the Association
  • Attend Group training events at no additional cost
  • Institutional logo and link on the members page of the HELOA website
  • Entry in HELOA National Awards to gain recognition for work and best practice
  • Discounted member rate at National Conference, Professional Development Conferences and New Practitioners’ Conferences
  • Opportunity to attend member-only Webinars
  • Access to partner and sponsored sessions
  • Opportunity to be a HELOA institutional representative
  • Opportunity to stand for election as the Associate Member Representative and work with UK Vice Chair (Membership and Administration)

Apply for Institutional Membership 

To apply for institutional membership, please complete the HELOA Institutional Membership Form.