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What is HELOA?

HELOA, registered charity in England & Wales (1182953) and Scotland (SC050285) is the professional association of staff in higher education who work in student recruitment, outreach, marketing and admissions. Our members help potential students, and their families and advisers, make an informed decision about their future in education by providing high-quality information, advice and guidance. They are professional, passionate and engaged advocates for higher education.

Established in 1990, the Association now has around 2,000 members from 150 UK universities and higher education institutions. HELOA encourages collaboration, sharing good practice and rigorous standards of impartiality amongst our members, helping them to inform students throughout their journey to higher education.

What binds the membership together is our commitment to encouraging high standards of professionalism amongst our members, as shown by our members’ following HELOA Good Practice Guidelines.

You can read more about how the Association works, our values, our history and our vision for the future on this website. We are proud of what HELOA has achieved over the last 34 years, but we’re cognisant of the challenges ahead for the higher education sector. We face those challenges from a position of strength and we look forward to the continuing growth and development of the Association in the years to come.

For more information about HELOA’s vision for the future, please see our Strategy Plan 2024 – 2026.

HELOA Strategic Plan 2021-23

Whether you’re a current or former member, a potential member, a stakeholder or whether you’re simply interested in the work of the Association, we’re keen to hear from you as we grow and shape the future of HELOA together. For more information please contact the HELOA Office.