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Welcome from Vice-Chair (Group Development):

One of the key features of HELOA is its network of groups, which play a vital role in facilitating collaboration, knowledge sharing, and professional development among its members. HELOA groups are regionally based communities that bring together student recruitment, outreach and marketing professionals from universities, colleges, and other educational institutions across the UK. These groups facilitate the exchange of ideas, foster innovation, and contribute to the broader mission of ensuring that all individuals, regardless of their background, have equal access to information and opportunities to make informed choices about Higher Education.

HELOA groups serve as a valuable source of professional development for their members. Through workshops, seminars, and training sessions, professionals can enhance their skills, expand their knowledge, and stay up-to-date with the latest trends and developments in the field. This continuous learning culture ensures that outreach and admissions professionals are equipped with the necessary tools and expertise to navigate the ever-evolving landscape of higher education.

Each HELOA group is led by a committee of dedicated volunteers who organise regular meetings both in person and online, events, and training sessions for their members. These gatherings offer an opportunity for professionals to discuss best practices, share success stories, and address common challenges faced in the field of recruitment, outreach, and admissions.

Each HELOA group meets regularly throughout the year and members are encouraged to attend and contribute to meetings in their areas. Meetings often have a training theme to support members and regional activities are discussed and planned with support from HELOA UK Committee. It is our vision that the Association encompasses the broadest possible membership from across the sector which will again enable members to grow and develop.

To help understand how the groups are structured have a look at the Groups Structure Chart. If you would like to find out more about HELOA groups and the work that they deliver in your region please get in touch.

George Green
HELOA Vice-Chair (Group Development)
Email: groupdevelopment@heloa.ac.uk