Home » Scotland


Welcome to The HELOA Scotland group! 

Made up of 18 HE institutions,

the Scotland group is a community of HE practitioners working across a wide range of roles within Marketing, Admissions, Student Recruitment, Widening Participation and Outreach.

We are an active group that meets 4 times a year, in person and online, to deliver training and development opportunities, the sharing of best-practise and networking with colleagues in varying job roles within the sector.

As well as holding a biennial HELOA Scotland Conference, our meetings always aim to include workshops or development activities, which in the past have included input from Student Finance bodies, external speakers and colleagues from across the HELOA regions.

We love to hear from our members so please feel free to get in touch with us with any questions, comments or queries!

Contact us: scotland@heloa.ac.uk 



Upcoming Events:

HELOA Scotland Conference 

14th and 15th May 2025 at University of Stirling 

14th May itinerary
10:00 – Arrival11:00 -11:45 – Plenary 1 – UCAS Insights and Opportunities for Scotland11:45 – 12:45 – Workshops12:45 – 13:45 – Lunch 13:45 – 14:30 – Plenary 2 – Hello-a SHELOA 2.0 14:30 – 16:30 – Workshops 16:30 – Day One concludes

15th May itinerary
09:30 – Arrival09:45 -10:30 – Plenary 3 – Events Panel10:30 – 12:30 – Workshops12:30 – Conference close and lunch 13:30 – 15:30 – HELOA Scotland Group Meeting


Who we are: Committee



Who we are: Members​

Abertay University Edinburgh Napier University
Scotland's Rural College University of Aberdeen
University of Dundee University of Glasgow University of Stirling
University of Strathclyde University of the West of Scotland Robert Gordon University


Useful Information 

HELOA Scotland Admissions: Teachers Toolkit 

HELOA Scotland Open Days 2024 

HELOA Scottish University Contacts