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Why join HELOA

Some of the many benefits within your HELOA membership include:

  • Build relationships with the many institutions involved in HELOA
  • Share best practice with staff in similar positions
  • Keep up to date with changes in the HE sector
  • Get involved with training and development opportunities
  • Attend group meetings
  • Receive the fortnightly Bulletin newsletter.

There are different types of HELOA membership, depending on your institution type. Please see the benefits below and the Institutional Membership page for further information.

Benefit Full Institutional Membership Associate Institutional Membership Honorary Member
Receive bi-weekly email Bulletin straight to your inbox
Access to member-only social network platforms eg Facebook
Access to the HELOA Blog, Instagram, YouTube, Linked In and X
Receive email updates from the HELOA UK Executive and Office
Opportunities, locally and nationally, to network and share best practice  
Attend Group meetings and contribute to the Association
Attend Group training events at no additional cost  
Institutional logo and link on the members page of the HELOA website  
Entry in HELOA National Awards to gain recognition for work and best practice  
Discounted member rate at National Conference, Professional Development Conferences and New Practitioners’ Conferences
Opportunity to attend member-only Webinars
Access to partner and sponsored sessions
Opportunity to be a HELOA institutional representative (Primary Contact)  
Attend the HELOA Annual General Meeting  

(By invitation of the HELOA Chair)

Voting rights at the HELOA Annual General Meeting (one vote per institution submitted by the Primary Contact)    
Vote in group and national elections (one vote per institution submitted by the Primary Contact)    
Opportunity to stand for election as a UK trustee or appointed officer    
Opportunity to stand for elected group positions    
Opportunity to be part of UCAS Events Working Group and the UCAS Product Development Group    

Have the opportunity to play a role in the development of partnerships at group and national level

Opportunity to stand for election as the Associate Member Representative to work with UK VC (Membership and Administration)