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Booking your place

What’s included in your delegate package

Full Delegate – £600pp

Day Delegate (Wednesday) – £150pp

Day Delegate (Thursday) – £180pp

Day Delegate (Friday) – £160pp

Gala Dinner add on (optional) – £55pp

Session selections

There will be no session swapping during the conference* so make sure you have read and understood what each session entails before making your selection as part of the booking form.

Responding to feedback from previous years, we have made it clearer where a session is being delivered by external companies including those of which are our sponsors, supporters and strategic partners. You’ll find this in the session title as well as having their logo in the description box.

*if there are any last minute changes to the programme, these will be communicated with you beforehand/during the conference and movement will be determined by room capacity of other sessions.

Important Dates

Bookings Opened

Monday 23rd September at 11am.

Bookings Close

Thursday 21st November at 4pm.

Due to demand, bookings may close earlier so book your place as early as possible to avoid disappointment.

University spaces cap

Due to bedroom capacities at Crowne Plaza, Stratford-upon-Avon, we have capped the number of full delegates that can be booked per institution.

  • Full members: limited to 5 full delegates per institution.
  • Associate members: limited to 5 full delegates per institution, maximum capacity of 25 associate members in total.
  • No limit on day delegate numbers per institution.

The cap of 5 full delegates per institution will be lifted at the end of October before bookings close, if there are still spaces remaining, and members will be informed of this by email.

*Although spaces are capped to 5 full delegates per institution, bookings are still processed on a first come first served basis. We do not automatically reserve 5 spaces per institution.


A Purchase Order number isn’t necessary for initial booking but will be needed by Friday 6th December 2024.

Please note we do not accept payments by credit/debit card.

Cancellation Policy

Please note that once you have booked a place at the HELOA National Conference, we require a minimum of 28 days notice in order to cancel your place. Any cancellations received less than 28 days before the event will still be charged for in full. If you are no longer able to attend, you are able to send another representative from your institution to fill the place. The final date for transferring your place to a colleague is Thursday 4th January at 4pm. To cancel your place or request to send a representative from your institution, please contact training@heloa.ac.uk.

Booking Form